Hi!! My name is Miss Pippy, Welcome to my NEW Web Pages.
I am a mini-doxie, and I am a real doxie Princess. I have lived with my parents most of my life.
Being a doxie means knowing how to give that famous doxie "look". So now, relax, and look
around my site, Meet my family, read my story! Enjoy!
See my Beautiful Doxie Eyes, I am now blind, but I am very lucky, my
family really loves me and takes very good care of me. You would never know that I was blind, I get around just fine. I have
lots of cyber friends that are blind also. Dogs adjust rapidly to blindness. I really do not know that I am blind. AND, I still
chase squirrels out of MY yard, I have to protect my mom.
I became suddenly blind in March, 1998. My parents took me to a specialist and tests were done. The verdict was in. I was
forever blind. I had SARDS, Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration. There is no cause and no cure. My mom cried. I
bumped into everything. I finally got used to the darkness and now get along quite well. I don't even know I am blind
anymore. My mom joined the Blind Dog E-Mail support group and now she feels better also.
This is my Mommy and Daddy, AnnaMarie and Gary Haden.
I was just getting used to being blind when in October, 1998, I developed a nasty
disease called Auto-Immune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) My mom did so much
research about this disease that she helped save my life. She found a specialist who knows all
about these kind of bad diseases. His name is Dr. Fredrick Drazner, and he has an office in DesPlaines, Illinois.
Dr Drazner is an internal medicine specialist and he is the best!! My mommy had friends from
all over the world praying for me and the Lord heard all of their prayers and I am in remission today.
Mom says I am going to be OK.
Soooo, if you are reading this AND you think YOUR dog may have AIHA, RUN to the nearest Internal Medicine specialist!! A
specialist is the ONLY kind of vet that is qualified to save your "kid's" life!! A dog should be in a 24 hour facility where round
the clock care is available. A dog can die in a matter of hours from AIHA, this is a KILLING disease, DO NOT TAKE THIS
Your vet can refer you to a specialist or call a vet school to find one. A Coombs test should be done right away, as well as a
COMPLETE work-up, blood tests, x-rays. Your dog should NOT be sent home with only some prednisone and instructions to
come back in a week! A dog should be carefully monitored, especially in the critical beginning of this disease. This is an
expensive illness, but isn't your dog worth it?? Many vets will take payments if necessary.
To meet Dr. Fred Drazner, go to DR. DRAZNER, DVM,
I have also had pancreatitis many, many times. It seems to be a complication of the AIHA. I get an
attack for almost no reason, and it really scares my family. I end up in the hospital and it costs my family a FORTUNE!!
However, I have always recovered, but my pancreas is really taking a beating. I went into shock during the last attack I had
in June, 2000, but I made it!! I stay on a low-fat diet, but I don't mind. Good thing my mom has Pet Insurance, it helps!
During the month of September, 2000, I had two more attacks of pancreatitis, I almost didn't make it..Mom had folks from ALL
over the world praying for me!! HAH!! I made it again! The doctors don't know how long my pancreas will hold out, but I feel
fine today! I heard Mom and Dad talking about "Rainbow Bridge, I wonder what they meant????
Well, It has now been 2 years since my diagnosis, and I am officially a SURVIVOR!! I can be seen on the Success Stories
(November, 1999) on Meisha's Hope for AIHA, please stop by and see me. Click here SUCCESS STORIES
I had a friend, his name was ZACK, he was a beautiful Collie and he had this same awful disease, AIHA, but he died...his mom
and my mom cried a lot... so sad...

Here I am laying on my ramp in the sun. I really enjoy life. Could I please ask you a favor? If you see this web page,
please write to me at mom's address, and please say a prayer for me. I really want to stay well and enjoy my life with my
Mom, AnnaMarie and my Dad, Gary. Oh, I forgot to tell you, my Dad, Gary built ramps for me so I can get outside without
falling, this has really helped me since I became blind. I also have lots of friends on the Blind Dog Mailing List. Be sure to see
the link to these fine folks and see their web sites, lots of good information there!
Here I am, it is July, 1999. Oh, did I tell you that dachshunds are also known as "Badgerdogs"? That is because we are really tough and hunt badgers. I don't have time to hunt badgers because I am busy hunting "pizza delivery guys"!!

I really did not want to sit still for this photograph. I told Mom I wanted to go Bye-Bye, but she said I
had to sit still for this picture, again. She is always taking my picture. GEESH!!

September, 2000....MORE PICTURES!

I am really very patriotic, I liked sitting on this flag. I wanted to curl up in it and take a nap, but
Mom said I would look sooo cute, if I would just sit still and give the camera my famous doxie look. It works every time! I got
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you more good news. Did you know that I am now in a Blind Dog Story
Book AND I have my picture on the Cover?? To see the book, go to BLIND DOG
STORIES I am the cute one on the right lower side with the red bear!!

Here is my Mom, reading the Blind Dog Story book to me,
WOW, what stories!

Now, I am reading my story book by myself! HAH!
On April 23, 2000, I was 13 years YOUNG!! My
Mom had a big birthday party for me!! We had lots of Company,
also something about a "Happy Easter" day, I wonder what the
relatives were talking about.....

Yes, I am one SMART doxie, I may be blind, but I am not
stupid! Did I tell you that I have gone to HTML school??
And I can make web pages?? And I have CERTIFICATES to prove it??
Oh...You don't believe me?? Well, My Mom did help a little...
And now, to see more of ME and my HUMAN and CANINE families, be sure to
click by the little wiggly doxies below. Click on "SEE PIPPY'S AWARDS", "A BRAVE DACHSHUND",