Trials and Location |
Date and Judge |
Class and Results |
Obedience Training, Inc. UKC Agility Smack-Dabs Warrenville, IL Indoors on Mats |
January 1, 2011
Karen Dean |
Division 1, 8", Trial 1, AG1-B
Qualify, 190, 1st Place, 0 points SCT: 69sec/75 sec; 120 yards; not great, off course and Run-bys AG1-B, Trial 2 Qualify, 192, 2nd Place, 0 points SCT: 69sec/75sec; 120 yards; not great, off course and Run-bys Good Table and SLS AG2-B; Trial 1 192; Qualify, 3rd Place SCT: 72 Sec/74 sec; 125 yards Good start-Line, Weaves and Box! 1 off course; Run-bys, no points Trial 2, AG2-B, 188; Qualify, 3rd Place SCT: 72 Sec/71 sec; 125 yards Good start-Line, Weaves, off course; popped box; Run-bys, no points no points, 4 out of 4Qs for the day... |
Run N Fun Agility
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
January 22, 2011
Frank Holik |
STANDARD, Level 4 Regular - 8"
NQ, but Excellent Run, Handler Error, led him to wrong side of tunnel, hard course, great SLS; weaves discrimination and layering! SCT: 58sec/53-H sec; 147 Yards Full House, Level 4 QUALIFY; 1st Place! SCT: 40sec/37-H; SctPts: 25pt/35pts Great SLS, Weaves and Discrimination, Excellent Run, Last Leg for Level 4! Snooker, Level 4, Rnd 1 QUALIFY, 3rd Place ScPts 32pts/36 pts SCT: 55sec/56 sec Excellent; Difficult Run! Snooker, Level 4, Rnd 2 NQ; My Fault, I got lost, caused us to be OT and lost pts ScPts 32pts/29 pts SCT:50sec/52 sec Excellent Run! Jumpers, Level 3, QUALIFY! Sct: 44sec/43sec; 1st Place Hard course and PERFECT! CL3-F TITLE!!! 3 out of 5 Qs for a Great Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
UKC Agility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
January 30, 2011
Shelly Weeks |
Division 1, 8"
AG2-B; Trial 1, Qualify Score 194; 2nd Place, No Points SCT: 77 Sec/64 sec; 123 Yards 123 Yards, Great SLS, Weaves, not so great on deck, no training, good run AG2-B; Trial 2; Qualify Score 197, 1st Place! 2 pts! SCT: 77 Sec/67 sec; 123 yards Great SLS; Weaves; Improved Deck! AGI-B - Trial 1; Qualify! Score 200, 10 Points!! 2nd Place SCT: 68 Sec/38sec; 107 yards; Excellent Run, Great SLS; Table Directionals, 3 Qs out of 3 for the day, Exciting! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE Agility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 12, 2011
Mike Willis |
STANDARD, Level 4, Regular - 8"
159 yds; SCT: 68sec/55-H, 5 faults, 1st Level 4 leg, GREAT RUN! JackPot, Level 3 NQ; Sct: 55sec/53-H SCpts: 40pts/19 pts Not good, got spooked by something outside of ring, disappointing WildCard, Level 4 NQ; 2 off courses, SCT: 34sec/43-H sec, 136 Yards no attention, distracted COLORS, Level 4 QUALIFY, 1st Place SCT: 33 sec/22-H sec 77 yrds, Great Run! 2 out of 4 Qs for the Day! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 26, 2011
Mike Willis |
STANDARD, Level 4 - Regular 8";
Rounds 1 and 2; both the same, awful NT; Sct: 69sec/NT; 162 yards Awful; did 3 obstacles, ran to the back; JackPot, Level 3; Qualify; Sct: 55sec/19 sec SCpts: 40pts/42 pts Finally a decent run! Easy course CL3-S Title 1 Qs out of 3 for the day |
Dog Agility Group
NADAC Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Mats |
April 9, 2011
Doug Ricks |
Nadac - Skilled Level, Regular 8"
Novice Chances Fail; Started OK, after 3rd Obstacle, got spooked by photographer, left ring SCT: 40 sec/NT First Run of Day, Awful... Standard Agility - 1st Round SCT: 62sec/39sec - 3.5 yps; QUALIFY! 136 Yards, EXCELLENT RUN; SLT and Weaves! 2nd Place Standard Agility - 2nd Round SCT: 62sec/48 sec; NQ; 2.85 yps 136 Yards, 1 off course, NQ Excellent RUN and Weaves and Start-Line! Novice Jumpers, 101 yards SCT: 35sec/36sec; 2.88 yps NQ AGAIN! 1 sec OT!!! NOT FAIR GREAT run, hard course! Novice Tunnelers, SCT: 50sec/43sec, 3.69 yps 161 yards, NQ, due to 1 off course, EXCELLENT Directionals and Attention! Hard Course 1 Q out of 5 runs for the day, Excellent Behavior! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Mats |
April 23, 2011
Two Rings! Carol Dostal and John Marec |
COLORS, Level 4
NQ, Got Distracted by Spectators SCT: 39 sec/26-H sec 88 yrds, Not Good, Snooker, Level 4 Qualify! 4th Place, ScPts 32pts/38 pts Good Run, did 3 teeters! SCT:50sec/52 sec Excellent Run! FULLHOUSE, Level 5 Qualify; 3rd Place SCpts 25/34pts SCT: 40sec/40-H sec Our 1st Level 5 Leg! Great Start-Line! 2 out of 3 Qs for a Good Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE Agility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
May 14, 2011
Carol Steffu-Hyland |
STANDARD, Level 4 Regular - 8"
QUALIFY; Excellent Run, 1st plc Great SLS and 2 weaves, SCT: 73sec/36-H sec; 157 Yards 33 sec UNDER TIME! JackPot, Level 4 NQ; Sct: 60sec/54-H SCpts: 40pts/38 pts Good run, gamble too difficult, Weaves too far away, no one Qd COLORS, Level 4 NQ; 1 off course, SCT: 40sec/29-H sec 87 yards, good run 1 out of 3 Qs for the Day! |
Lyons Dog
Training Club
AKC Odeum Sports Arena Villa Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
May 15, 2011
Les Sanders and Jacqueline Hoyle |
AKC Standard Class; Preferred 8"
QUALIFY, 1st PLACE!!! EXCELLENT RUN, no faults! Great SLS and Weaves Sct 83sec/55 sec; 146 yards VERY PROUD! AKC Jumpers and Weaves Class PREFERRED 8"; Sct: 47sec/37 sec 105 yards, QUALIFY, FIRST PLACE! EXCELLENT DAY! VERY PROUD! 2 out of 2 Qs for the Day :-) |
Obedience Training, Inc. UKC Agility Smack-Dabs Warrenville, IL Indoors on Mats |
June 11, 2011
Norman Minarik |
Division 1, 8", Trial 1, AG1-B
Qualify, 192, 2nd Place, no points SCT: 62sec/44 sec; 118 yards; 1 off course; but good run, AG1-B, Trial 2 Qualify, 192, 2nd Place, 0 points SCT: 62sec/51sec; 118 yards; same as previous run; 1 off course; but Good Table and SLS AG2-B; Trial 1 195; Qualify, 2nd Place, 0 points SCT: 64 Sec/55 sec; 118 yards Good start-Line, Weaves and Box! 1 off course so no points Trial 2, AG2-B, NQ; No Time Good start-Line but skipped some weaves, no points today, 3 out of 4Qs for the day |
Windy City
Agility Club UKC Agility Hosted at For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL |
June 25, 2011
Diane Vlasak |
Division 1, 8", Trial 1, AG1-B
NQ; SCT: 65sec/42 sec; 110 yards; EXCELLENT run, but NQ due to running on outside of hoops, but a really GREAT RUN! Too Bad... AG1-B, Trial 2 Qualify, 195, 3rd Place, no points SCT: 65sec/48sec; 110 yards; Another great run, but popped Table AG2-B; Trial 1 Qualify, 195, 3rd Place, 0 points SCT: 77 Sec/56 sec; 130 yards Great start-Line, Weaves and Box! Lost points for paw on box edge, UNFAIR, paw was NOT touching floor, Trial 2, AG2-B, NT; Good start-Line but skipped a weave, and a jump, popped box twice, so no points today, 2 out of 4Qs; disappointing |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
July 2, 2011
Jerry McKenzie |
STANDARD, Level 4 - Regular 8";
NQ; Good SLS, weaves, off course; skipped last jump, missed weave; NQ Sct: 74sec/73; 169 yards COLORS, Level 4 NQ; Improper weaves, my fault SCT: 39sec/30-H sec 90 yards, good run Distracted by barsetters; JackPot, Level 4; Qualify; Sct: 57sec/55 sec SCpts: 44pts/54 pts; 2nd Place Not what I planned, but good! FULLHOUSE, Level 5 Qualify; 3rd Place SCpts 25/36pts SCT: 40sec/40-H sec Good SLS and Weaves! 2 out of 4 Qs for a Good Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
AKC Libertyville Sports Arena Libertyville, IL Indoors on turf |
July 17, 2011
Lisa Selthofer and Dan Selthofer |
AKC Standard Class; Preferred 8"
NQ; SCT 80sec/65sec; 140 yards; Good SLS and Weaves; but passed aframe; broad jump; popped table; plus 1 off-course, AKC Jumpers and Weaves Class PREFERRED 8"; NQ; Sct: 45sec/41 sec, 110 yds 1 off course and 2 refusals, Good SLS and weaves, Disappointing, no Qs today |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
August 3, 2011
Lisa Potts |
STANDARD, Level 4 - Regular 8";
Good SLS and 12 weaves, NQ due to 2 off courses Sct: 74sec/73; 169 yards FULLHOUSE, Level 5 Qualify; 3rd Place SCpts 25/35pts SCT: 40sec/27-H sec Great Run and SLS; Easy Course! Snooker, Level 4 NT; My Fault, I got lost, SCT:45sec/NT Jumpers, Level 4, QUALIFY! Sct: 45sec/38sec; 2nd Place 140 yards; Hard course! Great SLS and discriminations 2 out of 4 Qs for a Great Day! |
RunNFun Agility
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
August 20, 2011
Jackie Oricko |
JackPot, Level 4; 8"; Round 1
NQ; Sct: 60sec/59 sec SCpts: 44pts/33 pts; Weaves in gamble, no chance! JackPot, Level 4; Round 2 NQ; Sct: 55sec/44 sec SCpts: 44pts/40 pts; Refused Aframe, NQ; Disappointing Full House, Level 5 QUALIFY; 3rd Place! SCT: 40sec/28-H; SctPts: 25pt/28pts Good Run! COLORS, Level 4 NQ; Wrong end of tunnel, off course SCT: 39sec/30-H sec; 90 yards; Good run and weaves! Jumpers, Level 4, QUALIFY! Sct: 37sec/28sec; 120 yrds, 1st Place Hard course and PERFECT! Hard courses from this out of town judge, 2 out of 5 Qs for the Day! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
Sept 17, 2011
Nancy Williams |
STANDARD, Level 4 - Regular 8";
NQ; Good SLS, off course; missed weave; NQ Sct: 65sec/69; 155 yards WildCard, Level 4 NQ; 1 off courses, SCT: 41sec/38-H sec, 97 Yards OK, but 1 off course Snooker, Level 4 NT due to taking 2 reds in the opening sequence SCT:45sec/NT NO Qs out of 3 Qs for a not so good Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
Sept 24, 2011
Lesa McCann-Layman |
JackPot, Level 4; 8" Regular;
Qualify; Sct: 55sec/37 sec SCpts: 44pts/57 pts; Great Distance and gamble STANDARD, Level 4 Qualify; 1st Place; Excellent Run Sct 75sec/52sec; 178 yards Great SLS, and 12 weaves; 23 sec UNDER time; COLORS, Level 4 Qualify, 2nd Place SCT: 33sec/32-H sec; 76 yards; Great Run and weaves! WildCard, Level 4 NQ; 1 off courses, my fault SCT: 46sec/26-H sec, 111 Yards Excellent Run, did difficult discrimination, my error 3 out of 4 Qs for the Day! |
Rand Park Dog Training Club
AKC Agility Hosted at For Your Canine Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
October 15, 2011
Thomas Woepse |
AKC FAST Class Preferred
8", QUALIFY!; 1st Place! SCT: 38 Sec/18 sec SCpts: 50pts/54 pts Easy Course, Great Run! AKC Standard Class Preferred NQ/ 130 yards SCT: 80 sec/69 sec After Table, went off course so 2 refusals, no weaves, disappointing AKC Jumpers and Weaves Class Preferred SCT: 51sec/42 sec 115 yards; NQ; Score 90 but refusals and an off course, Good Weaves and a good run! 1 out of 3 Qs for the Day |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
Oct 22, 2011
Carol Steffus-Hyland |
JackPot, Level 4; 8" Regular;
Qualify; Sct: 60sec/45 sec SCpts: 44pts/57 pts; 1st Place Non-Traditional, Excellent Run Great Distance and gamble STANDARD, Level 4 Qualify; 1st Place; Excellent Run Sct 83sec/39-H; 182 yards Great SLS and 12 weaves; 23 sec UNDER time; only 2 dogs in class under 40 sec COLORS, Level 4 NQ, My fault, 1 off course, SCT: 47sec/25-H sec; 103 yards; Broke Stay; distracted me but Great Run and weaves! Jumpers, Level 4, NQ; Sct: 53sec/38sec; 143 yards, Great run, but 1 off course, Difficult run, but still proud 2 out of 4 Qs for a good Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
UKC Agility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
October 29, 2011
William Quandt |
Division 1, 8"
AG2-B; Trial 1, Qualify Score 199; 2nd Place, 6 Points SCT: 76Sec/69sec; 121 Yards Great weaves and Deck! 2nd Place, SIX POINTS!! AG2-B; Trial 2; Qualify Score 198, 1st Place! 4 pts! SCT: 76Sec/55 sec; 121 yards Great SLS, Weaves and Deck! AG1-B; Trial 1; Qualify Score 200, 2nd Place! 10 pts! SCT: 69Sec/42sec; 109 yards Great SLS and table! AGI-B; Trial 2; Qualify! Score 195, no Points!! 2nd Place SCT: 69 Sec/44sec; 109 yards; Good run, but popped off the table, 4 Qs out of 4 for the day and 20 points! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Mats |
November 12, 2011
Two Rings! Cheryl Cielinski and Carol Steffus-Hyland |
STANDARD, Level 4 - Regular 8"; Round 1
NQ, wild at start line, 1 off course, skipped some weaves, SCT: 74sec/49-H Sec, 158 yards STANDARD, Level 4, Round 2 NQ; 1 off course, good weaves; SCT:75sec/69-H Sec, 162 yards Better! Good Weaves and Start Line; Snooker, Level 4 Qualify; Sct: 50/50sec SCpts: 32pts/45pts; 1st pl Good Run with 2 sets of weaves, Jumpers, Level 4, Qualify Sct: 48sec/36-H; 135 yds Great Run and Directionals; Hard Course Colors, Level 4 QUALIFY; 3rd Place! SCT: 37sec/36-H sec, 78 Yards Fair Weaves; good run; 3 out of 5 Qs for a Good Day! |
2012 TRIALS |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
January 7, 2012
Trish Stall |
STANDARD, Level 4; Round 1
Qualify; 2nd Place; Excellent Run Sct 65sec/44-H; 156 yards Improved SLS, good weaves; 5th Leg, 21 sec UNDER time; STANDARD, Level 4; Round 2 NQ; poor weaves, 1 off course, Sct 65sec/87-H; 156 yards FULLHOUSE, Level 5 Qualify; 4th Place SCpts 25pts/29pts SCT: 40sec/42-H sec Good run with some hesitations Last Level 5 Leg Jumpers, Level 4, QUALIFY Sct: 51sec/26sec; 153 yards, EXCELLENT Run, Hard Course, CL4-F TITLE! 3 out of 4 Qs for a Great Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
UKC Agility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
January 28, 2012
Shelly Weeks |
Division 1, 8"
AG2-B; Trial 1, Qualify Score 192; 1st Place, no Points SCT: 82 Sec/60 sec; 128 Yards Great weaves and Deck! Not a great SLS, 1 off course; AG2-B; Trial 2; Qualify Score 199, 1st Place! 6 pts! SCT: 82 Sec/60sec; 128 yards Good distance, Weaves and Deck! missed weaves entrance, lost 1 pt, but a great run! AG1-B; Trial 1; Qualify Score 198, 2nd Place! 4 pts! SCT: 69 Sec/38 sec; 109 yards Lost points on table corner Great SLS and table! AGI-B; Trial 2; Qualify! Score 191, no Points!! 2nd Place SCT: 69 Sec/49sec; 109 yards; Good run, but table pop and 1 off course, 4 Qs out of 4 for a good day and 10 points! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 10, 2012
LeeAnne Zerbian |
JACKPOT; Level 4; 8" Regular;
Qualify!!; Sct: 60sec/52 sec SCpts: 44pts/55 pts; FABULOUS RUN! Very difficult Gamble, Sam was 1 of 45 dogs in Levels 4,5 and C to Qualify, we got a HUGE APPLAUSE! VERY PROUD! STANDARD, Level 4 NQ; Good SLS, but 1 off course Sct 67sec/56sec; 170 yards Good run, but disappointed COLORS, Level 5 Qualify, 2nd Place SCT: 45sec/30-H sec; 98 yards; Hard Course but great Run and weaves! WILDCARD, Level 4 Qualify; 2nd Place; Difficult course and two sets of Weaves; Good SLS SCT: 39sec/36-H sec, 84 Yards 3 out of 4 Qs for an Excellent Day! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 24, 2012
Mike Willis |
JACKPOT; Level 5; 8" Regular;
Qualify!!; Sct: 55sec/53 sec SCpts: 44pts/64 pts; Sam did his own course; didn't follow my directions but was fast and excellent! STANDARD, Level 4 NQ; Fair SLS, but 1 off course Sct 73sec/60sec; 172 yards Good run, but disappointed COLORS, Level 5 Qualify, 2nd Place SCT: 38sec/24-H sec; 90 yards; Good Run and weaves! WILDCARD, Level 4 NQ; awful, no focus; ran past weaves; several off courses, disappointing! SCT: 47sec/57-H sec, 116 Yards 2 out of 4 Qs for an fair Day! |
Dog Agility Group
NADAC Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Mats |
April 7, 2012
Doug Ricks |
NADAC - Skilled Level, Regular 8"
Novice Chances Fail; Great Run and SLS; 1 off course in Gamble SCT: 40 sec/Under Time First Run of Day, Very Good! Standard Agility - 1st Round SCT: 63sec/46sec - 3.03 yps; NQ 138 Yards, 1 off course but EXCELLENT run and SLS and Weaves! Good Directionals! Standard Agility - 2nd Round SCT: 63sec/49 sec; QUALIFY! 138 Yards, 2.81 yps Perfect Run and good Directionals and nice Weaves and Start-Line Stay! Novice Jumpers, 116 yards SCT: 40sec/30sec; 3.95 yps QUALIFY! 1st Leg! EXCELLENT Run and Directionals! PROUD! Hard course! 3rd Place Novice Tunnelers, SCT: 47sec/42sec, 3.58 yps 151 yards, NQ, due to 1 off course, EXCELLENT Directionals and Attention! Hard Course 2 Qs out of 5 runs for the day, Excellent Behavior! Proud! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Mats |
April 22, 2012
Two Rings! Jackie Oricko and Lee Ann Zerbian |
NQ; Good SLS and Weaves, 1 off course Sct 72sec/64sec; 185 yards Good run, but disappointed COLORS, Level 5 Qualify, 1st Place SCT: 37sec/29-H sec; 86 yards; Good SLS and discrimination JackPot, Level 5; NQ; Sct: 60sec/63 sec SCpts: 44pts/18 pts; Refused obstacles, sniffed, Disappointing Jumpers, Level 5 SCT: 39sec/36sec; 124 yards, NQ; 1 off course; Good SLS and Layering, WILDCARD, Level 4 Qualify, SCT 46/28 sec; 101 yards; Good SLS and Weaves and discrimination, 2nd Place 2 out of 5 Qs for an fair Day! |
NorthWest Obedience
Club, Inc.(NOCI) AKC Agility Crystal Lake, IL KICKS Sports Facility |
May 5, 2012
Judith Flagle and Katherine Rudolph |
AKC Standard Class, 8" Preferred
QUALIFY; 1st Place SCT: 74sec/59sec; 174 Yards Great SLS (2 obstacles) and Table! Ran around weaves but no Refusal AKC Jumpers/Weaves Class NQ; SCT: 40sec/39sec, 94 yds Great SLS but missed last weave pole, One off course, but good directionals 1 Q for the Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
May 12, 2012
Carol Steffus-Hyland |
JACKPOT; Level 5; 8" Regular;
Qualify!!; Sct: 57sec/50 sec SCpts: 44pts/57 pts; 2nd Place Great Run, Non-Traditional STANDARD, Level 4 NQ; Good SLS, but 1 off course, again Sct 65sec/47sec; 146 yards Good run, but disappointed COLORS, Level 5 Qualify, 1st Place SCT: 40sec/31-H sec; 86 yards; Good SLS and weaves! WILDCARD, Level 4 Qualify; 1st Place; Sct: 40sec/33-H; 98 yards; CL4-H TITLE!!! 3 out of 4 Qs for an Excellent Day! |
Valley Kennel Foundation
Held at WI-IL Agility Group UKC Agility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
June 2, 2012
Shelly Weeks |
Division 1, 8"
AG2-B; Trial 1, NQ; Score 160 SCT: 60 Sec/51 sec; 102 Yards Not Great, popped table and 2 off courses; AG2-B; Trial 2; Qualify Score 194, 2nd Place! no pts! SCT: 60 Sec/56sec; 102 yards Better but wrong side of table, and 1 off course, AG1-B; Trial 1; Qualify Score 195, 3rd Place; 0 pts, SCT: 69 Sec/56 sec; 117 yards Good SLS, weaves; popped off deck, AGI-B; Trial 2; Qualify! Score 189, no Points!! 1st Place SCT: 69 Sec/76sec; 117 yards; Good SLS, weaves, deck; 2 off courses Scribing errors, this should be NQ 3 Qs out of 4 for the day but no points! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
June 10, 2012
Karl Johnson |
Good SLS, but 1 off course, again Sct 73sec/68sec; 172 yards Fair run, but disappointed again Snooker, Level 4 Qualify; Sct: 50/50sec SCpts: 32pts/38pts; 2nd place Not pretty, awful Weaves, but CL4-S Title!! Jumpers, Level 5 SCT: 40sec/38sec; 125 yards, NQ; 1 off course again, Disappointing, FullHouse, Level 5 Qualify; 3rd Place; Sct: 40sec/29-H; 125 yards; Good SLS; 6th leg, 2 out of 4 Qs for an Fair Day! |
Race Agility
NADAC Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Mats |
July 7, 2012
Nick Sparks |
NADAC - Skilled Level, Regular 8"
Novice Chances Fail; Great Run and SLS; 1 off course in Gamble SCT: 40 sec/Under Time First Run of Day, Very Good! Standard Agility - 1st Round SCT: 64sec/39sec - 3.63 yps; QUALIFY! 140 Yards, 10 pts, EXCELLENT run and SLS and Weaves! Good Directionals! Standard Agility - 2nd Round SCT: 64sec/37 sec; QUALIFY! 138 Yards, 3.75 yps; 7th Leg Perfect Run and good Directionals and nice Weaves and Start-Line Stay! Novice Jumpers, 91 yards SCT: 30sec/31sec; 3.85 yps NQ by 1 sec; 1 sniff caused the OT Excellent Run and Directionals! Touch N Go Novice; 172 yards SCT: 66sec/40sec; 4.29 yps NQ due to ME not walking the course, Sent Sam over incorrect obstacle but wonderfu distance and Directionals! Novice Weavers SCT: 65sec/51sec, 3.28 yps 157 yards, QUALIFY! 1st LEG! NAILED the Weaves! EXCELLENT SLS and Attention! Hard Course 3 Qs out of 6 runs for the day, Excellent Behavior! Proud! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
July 15, 2012
Nancy Wiliams |
STANDARD, Level 4; Round 1
NQ; Good SLS and Weaves, but 1 off course Sct 70sec/42sec; 151 yards Good run, but disappointing STANDARD, Level 4; Round 2 NQ; Good SLS and Weaves, but 1 off course again, disappointing Sct 70sec/52sec; 151 yards Jumpers, Level 5; Rnd 1 SCT: 44sec/37sec; 138 yards, NQ, 1 off course again, Jumpers, Level 5; Rnd 2 SCT: 44sec/49sec; 138 yards, NQ, 1 off course again, Not pretty, no attention NO Qs for the Disappointing Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
July 28, 2012
Lisa Potts |
JACKPOT; Level 5; 8" Regular;
Qualify!!; Sct: 55sec/38 sec SCpts: 44pts/44 pts; 1st Place I ended too early but enough pts to Q Great Run, Non-Traditional STANDARD, Level 4; Qualify - FINALLY! Good SLS, Not a Pretty Run, Sct 71sec/64sec; 167 yards Good SLS and Weaves, 6th Leg COLORS, Level 5 NQ; My mistake, forgot course SCT: 40sec/25-H sec; 95 yards; Good SLS and weaves; sad WILDCARD, Level 5 NQ; SCT 39/46 sec; 93 yds; 12 faults; back weaved + OT faults, but good discrimination, 2 out of 4 Qs for a fair Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
TDAA WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
Aug 18, 2012 Randy Breaden |
Standard Class - Beginners, 8"; Round 1
Sct: 72sec/43sec; 80 yards Qualify! Fast and attentive! Good Table; 1st Place!! TBAD TITLE!!!! Intermediate - Level 2; 8" Round 2 - Standard Class QUALIFY AGAIN!, 1st PLACE!! Sct: 64sec/36 sec, 84 yards 1st Leg Level 2 Good Weaves!! Proud!! Heinz 57 - Games 2 QUALIFY, 1st PLACE Sct: 59sec/30Sec, ScPts 57/57 pts, Great Run and Directionals! Weakest Link - Games 2 QUALIFY, 1st PLACE Sct: 70sec/64Sec, ScPts 40/84 pts, Another Great Run; Leg 2! Quidditch - Games 2 QUALIFY, 1st PLACE Sct: 69sec/46Sec, ScPts 40/260 pts, this was the highest pts available! Another Great Run; Leg 3! Another TITLE!! TG2!! 5 out of 5 Qs and TWO Titles; and FIVE 1st Places!!! for a GREAT Day! |
Race Agility
NADAC Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Mats |
Sept 1, 2012
Jeff Riedl |
NADAC - Skilled Level, Regular 8"
Novice Chances Fail, AGAIN; Good Run and SLS; Another off course in Gamble SCT: 40 sec/40sec Standard Agility - 1st Round SCT: 62sec/40sec - 3.40 yps; NQ; 136 Yards, Good SLS and Weaves, but 2 off courses Weaves are much improved! Standard Agility - 2nd Round SCT: 62sec/40 sec; QUALIFY! 136 Yards, 3.45 yps; 8th Leg Perfect Run and good Directionals and nice Weaves and Start-Line Stay! Novice Jumpers, 124 yards SCT: 42sec/40sec; 3.14 yps NQ; 2 off courses; Touch N Go Novice; 143 yards SCT: 55sec/22sec; 2.76 yps NQ; not good, 2 off courses, Novice Weavers; QUALIFY! SCT: 60sec/44sec, 3.66 yps 159 yards, 1st Place; 2nd LEG! NAILED the Weaves on his own!! Only 2 Qs out of 6 runs for the day, |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
September 15, 2012
LeeAnn Zerbian |
Good SLS and Weaves, 1 off course Sct 75sec/61sec; 177 yards SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify; Sct: 50sec/50sec SCpts: 32pts/46pts; 4th place Hard Course, good weaves! 1st Level 5 Leg JACKPOT; Level 5; NQ; Sct: 57sec/47 sec SCpts: 44pts/38 pts; sniffing, not enough points, Traditional COLORS, Level 5 Qualify, 2nd Place SCT: 42sec/26-H sec; 91 yards; Good SLS and weaves! 5th Leg! 2 Qs out of 4 for the Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
September 22, 2012
Susan Zimmerman |
STANDARD, Level 4;
Qualify!! 1st Place; 7th Leg Good SLS, Good Attention Sct 67sec/47sec; 157 yards SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify; Sct: 50sec/55sec SCpts: 32pts/38pts; 2nd place Hard Course; 2nd Leg Jumpers, Level 5; SCT: 39sec/32sec; 128 yards, QUALIFY, 1st Place! Ran slower, good Attention! FullHouse, Level 5 Qualify; 2nd Place; Sct: 40sec/38-H; Scpts 25pts/28 pts, 7th leg, 4 out of 4 Qs for an Great Day! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
October 21
2012 Carol Steffus-Hyland |
Good SLS and Weaves, Nice Run Sct 81sec/57sec; 165 yards CL4-R TITLE FINALLY!! JACKPOT; Level 5; 8" Regular; NQ; Sct: 60sec/66 sec SCpts: 44pts/42 pts; Traditional, Weaves in the gamble Got the weaves, but took an off course jump at the very end, but a Great Run! COLORS, Level 5 QUALIFY; 4th Place SCT: 52sec/31-H sec; 105 yards; Good SLS and weaves; 6th leg Jumpers, Level 5; SCT: 56sec/42sec; 136 yards, Qualify; 5th place; Broke SLS, but was OK, Not Pretty! 3 Qs out of 4 for a great Day! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Mats |
November 11, 2012
Two Rings! Lisa Steffus-Hyland and Mike Willis |
STANDARD, Level 5;
Judge - Mike Willis QUALIFY; 3rd Place, Good SLS and Weaves, Sct 67sec/63sec; 157 yards 1st Level 5 standard Leg! COLORS, Level 5 Judge - Carol Steffus-Hyland NQ; Lost focus at Startline SCT: 44sec/39-H sec; 83 yards; JackPot, Level 5; Judge - Mike Willis QUALIFY; 3rd Place; Sct: 57sec/50 sec SCpts: 44pts/49 pts; Traditional; Excellent Gamble and Run! Jumpers, Level 5 Judge - Carol Steffus-Hyland SCT: 59sec/39sec; 157 yards, QUALIFY; 5th place Good SLS and Layering, SNOOKER, Level 5 Judge - Carol Steffus-Hyland Qualify; Sct: 55sec/38sec SCpts: 32pts/49pts; 3rd place Hard Course; Great Weaves! 4th Leg 4 out of 5 Qs for an great Day! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
December 1
2012 Lisa Potts |
STANDARD, Level 5; QUALIFY; 3rd Place
Good SLS and Weaves, Nice Run Sct 65sec/50sec; 151 yards 2nd Level 5 Standard leg! COLORS, Level 5 QUALIFY; 5th Place SCT: 40sec/37-H sec; 94 yards; Not Great Focus, but an OK SLS and Weaves, 7th Leg WILDCARD, Level 5 NQ; SCT 39/NT, Awful! Took incorrect 1st obstacle, did a few obstacles, then ran off to sniff baseboard, Embarrasing! FullHouse, Level 5 Qualify; 5th Place; Sct: 40sec/39-H; Ugly, didn't listen, but Q'd Scpts 25pts/31 pts, 8th leg, 3 out of 4 Qs for a Good Day! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artificial Turf |
December 30, 2012
Two Rings! Cheryl Cielinski and Joyce Polivka |
STANDARD, Level 5;
Judge - Cheryl Cielinski QUALIFY; 2nd Place, Good SLS and Weaves, Sct 71sec/64sec; 166 yards 3rd Level 5 standard Leg! JackPot, Level 5; Judge - Cheryl Cielinski NQ; Non-traditional Sct: 60sec/55 sec SCpts: 44pts/42 pts; not good, easy course, ran off WildCard, Level 5 Judge - Joyce Polivka Qualify, but Not great, SCT: 40sec/35-H sec; 94 yards; Jumpers, Level 5 Judge - Joyce Polivka NQ, no attention, ran away SCT: 37sec/52ec; 118 yards, NQ due to OT, Embarrassing! SNOOKER, Level 5 Judge - Joyce Polivka NQ; Sct: 55sec/70sec SCpts: 32pts/31pts; Awful; Ran around, not enough points, 2 out of 5 Qs for a disappointing Day! For 2012, we had 55 Qs and 36 NQs The End of the Year 2012! |
2013 TRIALS |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
January 5
2013 Carolyn Dostal |
STANDARD, Level 5;
QUALIFY; 2nd Place Good SLS and Weaves, Nice Run Sct 73sec/50sec; 157 yards Fourth Level 5 Standard leg! COLORS, Level 5 NQ; Broke SLS; SCT: 45sec/30-H sec; 99 yards; My fault for Back Jump; OK Weaves SNOOKER, Level 5 NQ; Awful! No SLS, Went around 1st Red, then ran around, not enough points, Jumpers, Level 5 NQ; Better but not good attention, Too many Off Courses, Sad 1 out of 4 Qs for an Disappointing Day! |
Race Agility
CPE Agility Cardunal Training Facility Huntley, IL Indoors on Mats |
January 19, 2013
Cheryl Cielinski |
STANDARD, Level 5; Round 1
NQ; Kept Popping 2 sets of short weaves Sct 70sec/65sec; 160 yards STANDARD, Level 5; Round 2 NQ, Better run but missed DW Contact A very nice and improved run Sct 70sec/50sec; 160 yards JackPot, Level 5; NQ; Non-traditional Sct: 60sec/53 sec SCpts: 44pts/43 pts; Skipped obstacles, not enough points, WildCard, Level 5 NQ; Went off course, SCT: 40sec/NT, 82 yards; NO Qs out of 4 runs for a very disappointing Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 9, 2013
Jeff Boyer (Florida) |
Qualify!! 2nd Place; 5th Level 5 Leg Good SLS, 12 weaves, Good Attention Sct 74sec/59sec; 160 yards JackPot, Level 5; Qualify; Non-traditional Sct: 57sec/46 sec, 1st Place SCpts: 44pts/64 pts; Did his own course, easy run! COLORS, Level 5 NQ, Due to Off course; SCT: 49sec/43-H sec; 110 yards; WildCard, Level 5 Qualify; Not Great but OK! SCT: 39sec/34sec; 83 yards; 2nd Place, good weaves 3 out of 4 Qs for an Great Day! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 23,
2013 Cheryl cieslinski |
STANDARD, Level 5;
QUALIFY; 3rd Place Good SLS and 2 sets Weaves, Nice Run Sct 70sec/42sec; 164 yards 6th Level 5 Standard leg! JackPot, Level 5; Qualify; Non-traditional Sct: 60sec/54 sec, 1st Place SCpts: 44pts/53 pts; Easy but Good Run! WildCard, Level 5 Qualify; 93 yards SCT: 43sec/28sec; 3rd Place, Good weaves Jumpers, Level 5 NQ; Good Run, my fault for off course Sct: 41sec/34sec; 125 yards 3 out of 4 Qs for a great Day! |
Race Agility
NADAC Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 30, 2013
Robin Carberry |
NADAC - Skilled Level, Regular 8"
Novice Chances PASS; FINALLY!! Great Run and SLS; Excellent Distance and Discrimination! SCT: 40 sec/40sec Standard Agility - 1st Round SCT: 67sec/41sec - 3.60 yps; Qualify/ 147 Yards, 1st Place; Great SLS, Weaves and Directions, 9th Leg Standard Agility - 2nd Round SCT: 67sec/48 sec; QUALIFY! 147 Yards, 3.07 yps; 10th Leg Perfect Run, great weaves Directionals and SLS; OUTSTANDING NOVICE TITLE! O-NAC Novice Jumpers, 98 yards SCT: 33sec/24sec; 4.10 yps Qualify!! 1st Place, Excellent! Touch-N-Go Novice; 154 yards, NQ SCT: 59sec/48sec; my fault, off course to wrong end of tunnel, Nice Run, Novice Weavers; QUALIFY! SCT: 64sec/42sec, 3.66 yps 154 yards, 1st Place; Another Title Today!! WV-N TITLE! NAILED the Weaves on his own!! Sammy earned TWO Nadac Titles today!! 5 Qs out of 6 runs for an Excellent Day! |
Dog Agility Group
NADAC Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artificial Turf |
April 6, 2013
Doug Ricks |
NADAC - Skilled Level, Regular 8"
Novice Chances; Round 1 Fail; Good Run and SLS; Good Distance but paw went over the line; SCT: 40 sec/40sec Novice Chances; Round 2 PASS!! Great Run and SLS; Excellent Distance, Hard Course! SCT: 40 sec/40sec NCC Chances Novice TITLE!! Standard Agility - 1st Round SCT: 60sec/52sec - 2.56 yps; Qualify 133 Yards, 2nd Place; Had to restart weaves 3 times due to judge being too close, Sam was scared but finished course, 11th Leg Standard Agility - 2nd Round SCT: 60sec/42 sec; 3.15 yps, NQ 133 Yards, Still scared of Judge, Went to wrong end of tunnel Novice Weavers; Round 1, QUALIFY! SCT: 60sec/46sec, 3.12 yps 154 yards, 2nd Place; did not nail weaves on 1st try, No SLS; 4th Leg Novice Weavers; Round 2, QUALIFY! SCT: 56sec/48sec, 2.85 yps 135 yards, 2nd Place; Same as 1st round, no SLS and had to restart weaves, but OK 4 Qs out of 6 runs for an Excellent Day! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artificial Turf |
April 21, 2013
Two Rings! Carolyn Dostal and Mary Beam (Ohio) |
STANDARD, Level 5;
Judge - Carolyn Dostal QUALIFY; 1st Place, Good SLS and 2 Weaves, Sct 59sec/46sec; 149 yards 7th Level 5 standard Leg! JackPot, Level 5; Judge - Carolyn Dostal Qualify; Non-traditional Sct: 55sec/48 sec SCpts: 44pts/49 pts; Perfect Run, no issues! 7th Level 5 Leg! WildCard, Level 5; Judge - Mary Beam NQ, Good Run, My fault for off course, SCT: 40sec/35-H sec; 94 yards; Jumpers, Level 5; Judge - Mary Beam Qualify; Good Run! SCT: 35sec/31ec; 122 yards, 4th Level 5 Leg! FullHouse, Level 5; Judge - Mary Beam Qualify; 1st Place; Sct: 40sec/36-H; Scpts 25pts/40 pts, 9th leg, 4 out of 5 Qs for an Excellent Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
TDAA WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
April 27 and April 28, 2013 Deb Chvilicek |
Saturday - April 27, 2013
Standard Class - Intermediate, 8"; Round 1 Sct:80Sec/33sec; 106 yards Qualify! 1st Pl, No Table! Standard Intermediate - Level 2; 8" Round 2 - Standard Class NQ; Due to Re-Starting Weaves! Sct: 80sec/46 sec, 97 yards Full House - Games 3 QUALIFY, 4th PLACE Sct: 44 sec/38 Sec, ScPts 26/38 pts, Great Run and Directionals! Colors - Games 3 QUALIFY, 1st PLACE Sct: 40sec/17Sec, Another Great Run; Leg 2! Sunday - April 28, 2013 Standard Class - Intermediate, 8"; Round 1 Sct: 85ec/51sec; 114 yards Qualify! 1st Place!! Good Table; TIAD TITLE!!! Standard SUPERIOR - Level 2; 8" Round 2 - Standard Class QUALIFY AGAIN!, 1st PLACE!! Sct: 70sec/39 sec, 115 yards Good Weaves!! Proud!! Jackpot - Games 3 QUALIFY, 4th PLACE ScPts 44/55pts Sct: 44sec/43Sec, Non-Traditional, Easy! Beat The Clock- Games 3 QUALIFY, 2nd PLACE Sct: 54 sec/35 Sec, Another Great Run; Leg 4! 7 out of 8 Qs and Another Title; for a GREAT Weekend! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
May 10, 2013
Carol Steffus-Hyland |
Qualify!! 2nd Place; 8th Level 5 Leg Sct 77sec/40sec; 154 yards Good SLS, 12 weaves and popped last pole, and fixed it so a fault but still a Q FullHouse, Level 5; Qualify; 1st Place; Sct: 40sec/30-H; Scpts 25pts/41 pts, 10th leg, SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify; Sct: 55sec/30sec SCpts: 32pts/43pts; 1st place Good Run, No Issues, 4th Leg Jumpers, Level 5 Qualify; Good Run, Sct: 52sec/37sec; 133 yards 5th Level 5 Leg!! 4 out of 4 Qs for an Excellent Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
June 8, 2013
Karl Johnson |
NQ; Awful, No Focus Sct 71sec/67sec; 166 yards Went off course twice, JackPot, Level 5; Qualify; Non-traditional Sct: 55sec/38 sec, 1st Place SCpts: 44pts/59 pts; Easy but Good Run! WildCard, Level 5 Qualify; 100 yards SCT: 42sec/28sec; 1st Place, Good weaves COLORS, Level 5 QUALIFY; 1st Place SCT: 36sec/25-H sec; 84 yards; Good SLS and Weaves, 8th Leg 3 out of 4 Qs for an Excellent Day! |
RunNFun Agility
NADAC Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artificial Turf |
June 22,
2013 James Bell |
NADAC - Skilled Level, Regular 8"
Novice Chances; Fail; Missed Easy Tunnel due to Late command, Great distance, easy Course, Sad SCT: 40 sec/40sec Standard Agility - 1st Round SCT: 55sec/41sec - 3.10 yps; Qualify, 126 Yards, 1st Place; Had to restart weaves twice, but good Run! 12th Leg Standard Agility - 2nd Round SCT: 55sec/31 sec; 4.11 yps, Qualify, 126 Yards, 1st Place Better Run! 13th Leg! Touch-N-Go Novice; 186 yards, Qualify, 1st Place SCT: 69sec/43sec; 4.32 yps, Good Run, 1st Leg FINALLY!! Novice Weavers; QUALIFY! SCT: 62sec/47sec, 3.29 yps 155 yards, 1st Place; Restarted 1 weaves but good Run! 6th Leg; O-WV-N TITLE!!! Novice Jumpers, 115 yards SCT: 37sec/36 sec; 3.18 yps NQ due to 1 off course, Disappointed but a good day! 4 Qs out of 6 runs for an Excellent Day! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artificial Turf |
June 29, 2013
Two Rings! Cheryl Cielinski and Joyce Polivka |
STANDARD, Level 5;
Judge - Cheryl Cielinski NQ, Sct: 59sec/63sec; 147 Yrds Awful, Skipped weaves and Aframe, Disappointing JackPot, Level 5; Judge - Cheryl Cielinski Qualify; Non-traditional Sct: 60sec/46 sec SCpts: 44pts/47 pts; OK, Slow, Not great 9th Level 5 Leg! Jumpers, Level 5; Judge - Joyce Polvika NQ, Slow again, off course SCT: 46sec/51sec; 133 yards, SNOOKER, Level 5 Judge - Joyce Polivka Qualify; Sct: 50sec/33sec SCpts: 32pts/45pts; 3rd place Good Run, No Issues, 5th Leg 2 Qs out of 4 Qs for a Disappointing Day! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
July 13,
2013 Becky Dean |
STANDARD, Level 5;
NQ, 167 yards, Good run but NQ due to Contaminated tunnel! Sct 77sec/72sec; JackPot, Level 5; Qualify; Traditional Sct: 55sec/54 sec, 1st Place SCpts: 44pts/48 pts; Hard Gamble! WildCard, Level 5 NQ due to Off course! SCT: 45sec/NT; Disappointing 1 out of 3 Qs for a not so good Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
July 27, 2013
Lisa Potts |
NQ, refused A-Frame; Sad Sct 6sec/58sec-H; 142 yards did the hard stuff and weaves JackPot, Level 5; NQ; Traditional Sct: 58sec/61 sec, SCpts: 44pts/39 pts; 15 foot difficult gamble, 1 off course WildCard, Level 5 Qualify; 96 yards SCT: 42sec/44sec-H; FINALLY 5th Leg! 4th Place, Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; 2nd Place SCT: 37sec/26-H sec; 83 yards; OK, no issues, 9th Leg 2 out of 4 Qs for a fair day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
TDAA WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
August 10 and August 11, 2013 Wayne VanDeusen |
Saturday - August 10, 2013
Standard Class - Superior, 8"; Round 1 Sct: 69sec/60sec; 113 yards Qualify! 4th Pl, Good Table and Weaves! Standard Superior, Round 2" Standard Class - Superior, 8"; Round 2 Sct: 68sec/52sec; 113 yards Qualify! 1st Pl, Good Table and Weaves! 1 off course, but a GIFT; Puppy Cannon - Games 3 NQ due to off course so OT Sct: 59sec/69Sec, Double Joker - Games 3 NQ due to hoola hoop carried, was OT Scpts: 55 pts/35 pts, Dumb game, scary for dogs Last of Mohicans - Games 3 Confusing Game, most likely a GIFT, Last leg for title TG3 TITLE!! ===================== Sunday - August 11, 2013 Standard Class - Superior, 8"; Round 1 Sct: 75sec/42sec; 124 yards Qualify! 1st Place!! 1 off course but another GIFT No Table today, Good Weaves Standard SUPERIOR - Round 2 QUALIFY AGAIN!, 2nd PLACE!! Sct: 66sec/36sec, 108 yards Good Weaves, no table TSAD Superior Standard TITLE! Jumplers - Games 3 QUALIFY, 7th PLACE Sct: 50sec/31 Sec, Ran as jumpers course, Pole Jacks - Games 3 QUALIFY, 7th PLACE Sct: 79sec/49 Sec, 6 Sets Weaves, Great Run! Black Hole - Games 3 NQ; I forgot the course, so Off course 7 out of 10 Qs and 2 Superior Titles for a GREAT Weekend! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
Sept 14,
2013 Lee Ann Zerbian |
STANDARD, Level 5; Qualify, 176 yards, 1st Place Sct 76sec/52sec; Good weaves, good save! 9th Leg FINALLY! SNOOKER, Level 5 NQ; Sct: 50sec/NT Went off course in opening, No SLS so off course 1 Q out of 2 Qs for a fair Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
September 21,
2013 Cheryl Cieslinski |
STANDARD, Level 5 QUALIFY! C-ATCH TITLE!!!! Sct 59sec/46sec-H; 146 yards got a 5 pt deduction for saying 'damm-it" on the course, embarrased! But FINALLY GOT THE C-ATCH TITLE!!! FullHouse, Level 5; Qualify; 2nd Place; Sct: 40sec/30-H; Scpts 25pts/30 pts, 11th leg, Good run, used it to practice the standard run for C-atch A Great weekend! 2 out of 2 Qs and finally our C-Atch Title!!! |
WI-IL Agility Group
AKC Libertyville Sports Arena Libertyville, IL Indoors on turf |
November 16, 2013
Cathrine Nelson and Dan Selthofer |
AKC Standard Class; PREFERRED 8" Novice QUALIFY; SCT 77sec/54sec; 133 yards; No SLS, Good Weaves, Broad Jump and Table Score 95, ran past DW but a Qualifying Score! 2nd Standard Leg! AKC Jumpers and Weaves Class PREFERRED 8" Novice; QUALIFY Sct: 48sec/38 sec, 108 yds Score 100, good weaves, no issues! 1st Novice Jumpers Leg A Good Day; 2 Qs today |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Articial Turf |
December 28, 2013
Two Rings! Cheryl Cielinski and LeeAnn Zerbian |
STANDARD, Round 1; Level 5;
Judge - LeeAnn Zerbian Qualify, Sct: 71sec/65sec; 167 Yards 1st Place, no problem, good weaves STANDARD, Round 2; Level 5; Judge - LeeAnn Zerbian NQ, Sct: 71sec/NT; 167 Yards Awful, Skipped obstacles, no focus Disappointing WildCard, Level 5; Judge - LeeAnn Zerbian Qualify; 107 yards SCT: 48sec/35sec-H; 2 sets weaves, OK, 4th Place SNOOKER, Level 5; Judge - Cheryl Cielinski Qualify; Sct: 55sec/54sec ScPts 32/34 points SCpts: 32pts/34pts; 2nd place Good Run, Hard Course, 1st Leg; SNOOKER, Level 5; Judge - Cheryl Cielinski Qualify; Sct: 55sec/54sec SCpts: 32pts/34pts; 2nd place Good Run, Hard Course, 1st Leg; Jumpers, Level 5; Judge - Cheryl Cielinski NQ; Good Run, my fault for off course Sct: 35sec/27sec; 109 yards 3 out of 5 Qs for a fair Day! |
2014 TRIALS |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 22,
2014 Cheryl Cielinski |
STANDARD, Level 5; NQ; 157 yards, Sct 55sec/50sec; Good weaves but off course; SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify; Sct: 50sec/30sec ScPts 32/44 points; 1st Place Good Run, Hard Course, 2nd Leg; WildCard, Level 5 Qualify; 85 yard, 1st Place SCT: 36sec/25sec-H; Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; 2nd Place SCT: 33sec/18-H sec; 77 yards; OK, no issues, 10th Leg 3 out of 4 Qs for a fair day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
TDAA WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
April 5 and April 6, 2014 Deb Chvilicek |
Saturday - April 4, 2014
Standard Class - Superior, 8"; Round 1 Sct: 68sec/45sec; 112 yards NQ, Off course; Standard Superior, Round 2" Standard Class - Superior, 8"; Round 2 Sct: 69sec/50sec; 113yards NQ; Weave Error; Colors - Games 3 Sct: 39sec/20sec; Qualfy; 1st Place, 3rd Leg BlackJack - Games 3 Qualify, 2nd Place, Sct: 49sec/20sec; 4th Leg 4th Leg FAST; - Games 3 Qualify; Sct 49sec/53sec; ScPts: 50/66 2nd Place, 5th Leg ===================== Sunday - April 6, 2014 Standard Class - Superior, 8"; Round 1 Sct:81sec/41sec; 134 yards Qualify! 1st Place!! Great Distance, 1st Leg Standard SUPERIOR - Round 2 NQ, Good Table Sct:81sec/41sec, 134 yards Weave Error Snooker - Games 3 QUALIFY, 2nd Place Sct: 55sec/36Sec, ScPts: 37/40 6th Leg Beat the Clock - Games 3 QUALIFY, Sct:49sec/53Sec, 7th Leg Helter Skelter - Games 3 NQ; 1 off course Sct: 34sec/30 Sec, 89 yards Run Till You Drop - Games 3 Quality; Sct49/sec/40sec ScPts 37/40pts; 8th Leg 8 out of 11 Qs for a GREAT Weekend! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf |
April 19, 2014
Jeff Boyer from Florida |
STANDARD, Level 5;
Qualify, 4th Place Sct: 84sec/70sec; 185 Yards A Long Course WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 83 yards SCT: 39sec/29sec-H; Good Run, 4th Place Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; 1st Place SCT: 43sec/21-H sec; 93 yards; Jackpot, Level 5 Qualify; 1st Place SCT:55sec/46sec-H; ScPts 44pts/46pts 4 out of 4 Qs for a Great Day! |
NorthWest Obedience
Club, Inc.(NOCI) AKC Agility Crystal Lake, IL KICKS Sports Facility |
May 3, 2014
Tim Pinneri |
AKC Standard Class, 8" Preferred Novice QUALIFY; 1st Place 3rd Leg! SCT: 80sec/60sec; 140 Yards Great Weaves and Table, no issues NAP TITLE!!!! |
Agility Junkies
NADAC Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artificial Turf |
July 5,
2014 Dwayne Bonker (NJ) |
NADAC - Skilled Level, Regular 8"
Novice Chances, Round 1; Fail; Off course but Great distance, easy Course, SCT: 40 sec/40sec; 3.75 yps Novice Chances, Round 2; Fail; 1 off course, I missed the walk-through, but a good run; Great distance, easy Course, SCT: 40 sec/40sec Standard Agility - 1st Round SCT: 60sec/39sec; 133 yards; 3.41 yps; NQ; bailed off A-Frame Great weaves & run! Standard Agility - 2nd Round SCT: 60sec/50 sec; 2.67 yps, QUALIFY! 133 Yards, 1st Place Better Run! 14th Leg! Touch-N-Go Novice; 132 yards, NQ; SCT: 51sec/35sec; 3.75 yps, Good Run but off course due to barrel, Sad! Novice Chances, Round 2; Fail; 1 off course, I missed the walk-through, but a good run; Great distance, easy Course, SCT: 40 sec/40sec Novice Tunnelers, SCT: 50.31sec/50.63; 3.18 yps 161 yards, NQ, due to .32sec OT! EXCELLENT Directionals Great Attention! .32 sec OT! Don't know how we could have gone faster! Only 1 Q out of 6 runs for the day, Excellent Behavior! Proud! But Sad, some of the NQ's were my fault, I was distracted! |
WI-IL Agility Group
AKC Libertyville Sports Arena Libertyville, IL Indoors on turf |
July 12, 2014
Dan Selthofer and Lisa Selthofer |
AKC Standard Open Class; PREFERRED 8"; NQ; Sct 72sec/62sec; 146 yards; Great 12 Weaves, Discrimination and Table Went around a triple and took off course! Score 85, Good Open Run Novice Jumpers and Weaves Class PREFERRED 8"; 2.97 yps; QUALIFY Sct: 51sec/39 sec, 120 yds Score 100, good weaves, no issues! 2nd Novice Jumpers Leg A Good Day; 1 Q today |
WI-IL Agility Group
TDAA WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
August 16 2014 Christina Betzelberger |
Standard-Superior, 4"-Veteran; Round 1 Sct: 79sec/47sec; 128 yards QUALIFY, 2nd place; had table error but qualified, a GIFT Standard Superior, Round 2" Standard-Superior, 4"-Veteran; Round 2 Sct: 67sec/41sec; 2nd Placel 105 yards QUALIFY, Great run, no table! Tag 10 - Games 3 Sct: 66sec/67sec; NQ; Scpts 40/30; difficult ran out of time Time Warp - Games 3 Qualify, 2nd Place, Sct: 42sec/12sec; 9th Leg Got Bonus Time pts Lucky 13; - Games 3 Qualify; Sct 61sec/34sec; ScPts: 154/173 3rd Place, 10th Leg TMAG TITLE!!!! 4 out of 5 Qs for a GREAT Day! |
Rand Park Dog Training Club
AKC Agility Hosted at For Your Canine Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
October 11, 2014
Thomas Woepse |
AKC Standard Open Preferred NQ/NT 145 yards SCT: 72 sec/89sec refused triple and double, HORRID; disappointing AKC Jumpers and Weaves Novice Preferred SCT: 41sec/NT 91 yards; again refused double after a few obstacles, we left the ring; Sam will see the Eye Vet No Qs today, disappointing |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Now running at Veteran 4" |
November 8, 2014
Carol Steffus-Hyland and Carolyn Dostal |
STANDARD, Level 5; Veterans 4"
Qualify, 2nd Place Sct: 62sec/50sec; 158 Yards Good Run and Weaves! WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 92 yards SCT: 42sec/22sec-VH; Good Run, 1st Place SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify; Sct: 55sec/55sec ScPts 32/39 points; 4th Place Good Run, Hard Reds; 3rd Leg; Jackpot, Level 5 Qualify; 2nd Place SCT:60sec/54sec-VH; ScPts 44pts/50pts Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Good Run, 5th Place Sct: 39sec/42sec-VH; 117 yards 5 out of 5 Qs for a great Day! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Now running at Veteran 4" |
December 27, 2014
Cheryl Cielinski and LeeAnn Zerbian |
STANDARD, Level 5; Veterans 4"; Round 1
Qualify, 2nd Place Sct: 59sec/50sec; 147 Yards Good Run and Weaves! STANDARD, Level 5; Veterans 4"; Round 2 Qualify, 1st Place Sct: 59sec/38sec; 147 Yards Great Run and Weaves! WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 92 yards SCT: 42sec/30sec-VH; Great Run, 1st Place SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify; Sct: 50sec/62sec ScPts 32/37 points; 2nd Place Good Run no issues! 4th Leg; Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Great Run, 3rd Place Sct: 54sec/33sec-VH; 129 yards 5 out of 5 Qs for a great Day! At this trial, Sammy earned the Champion Standard Title (ChSt) |
2015 TRIALS |
WI-IL Agility Group
TDAA WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
April 11 and April 12 2015 Deb Chvilicek |
Standard Superior, 4"-Veteran; Round 1 Sct: 67sec/42sec; 105 yards NQ due to weaving Error Standard Superior, Round 2 Sct: 67sec/37sec; 3rd Place; 105 yards QUALIFY, Great run, No table! Fullhouse - Games 3 Sct: 40sec/41sec; NQ; ScPts 26/20; No focus JackPot - Games 3 Qualify, Not Great, ScPts: 42pts/45pts; Sct 46sec/48sec Beat the Clock - Games 3 Qualify; Sct 51sec/51sec; ScPts: 78/78 ===================== Sunday - April 12, 2015 Round 1 Sct: 69sec/39sec; 108 yards Qualify! Good Weaves Standard SUPERIOR - Round 2 QUALIFY, Good Weaves Sct: 72sec/46sec, 108 yards WildCard Games 3 QUALIFY, 3rd Place Sct: 69sec/38Sec; 83 yards Boston Bowling - Games 3 QUALIFY, Good Run! Sct: 96sec/55 Sec Jumpers - Games 3 Qualify - 1st Place Sct 54sec/33 sec; 87 yards 8 out of 10 Qs for a GREAT Weekend! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Now running at Veteran 4" |
April 18, 2015
Mark Anthony One Ring |
STANDARD, Level 5; Veterans 4" NQ, 1 off course; Good Weaves Sct: 72sec/53sec; 147 Yards Jackpot, Level 5 Qualify; 1st Place SCT:57sec/50sec-VH; ScPts 44pts/49pts Jumpers, Level 5; NQ, 1 off course; Sct: 54sec/35sec-VH; 229 yards Only 1 out of 3 Qs for a disappointing Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
May 9
2015 Lee Ann Zerbian |
STANDARD, 4" Veteran (VH); Level 5 QUALIFY! 174 yards; 1st Place Sct 74sec/46sec-VH; Great Run Full House - Level 5 QUALIFY, 2nd PLACE Sct: 40 sec/26-VH Sec, ScPts 25/33 pts, Excellent Run and Directionals! SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify; Sct: 50sec/33-VH sec ScPts 32/37 points; 2nd Place Great Run; no issues! 5th Leg; Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Great Run, 2nd Place Sct: 43sec/31sec-VH; 129 yards 4 out of 4 Qs for a great Day! |
Race Agility
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Now running at Veteran 4" |
May 23, 2015
Carol Steffus-Hyland |
Qualify!! 3rd Place; Sct 75sec/50sec-VH; 161 yards Good Run and Weaves, Full House - Level 5 Qualify! 3rd PLACE Sct: 40 sec/35-VH Sec, ScPts 25/35 pts, Excellent Run and Directionals! SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify! Sct: 50sec/32-VH sec ScPts 32/39 points; 3rd Place Great Run; no issues! 6th Leg; Jumpers, Level 5; NQ, Took an off course after the first jump, disappointing! 3 out of 4 Qs for a good Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
June 6
2015 Jackie Oricko |
STANDARD, 4" Veteran (VH); Level 5 QUALIFY! 137 yards; 1st Place Sct 55sec/43sec-VH; Eighth Leg, Great Run Jackpot, Non-Traditional, Level 5 Qualify; 1st Place, Great Run! SCT:55sec/33sec-VH; ScPts 44pts/64pts Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; 1st Place SCT: 35sec/25-VH sec; 81 yards; WildCard, Level 5; NQ, Off course at the start, 3 out of 4 Qs for a Good Day! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Now running at Veteran 4" |
June 27, 2015
Joyce Polivka One Ring |
STANDARD, Level 5; Veterans 4" QUALIFY; hard course, 3 good weaves; Sct: 56sec/52sec; 140 Yards 9th Leg to Catch-2 Jackpot, Level 5 Qualify; 2nd Place SCT:57sec/45sec-VH; ScPts 44pts/55pts 10th Leg, ChJP TITLE!! SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify! Sct: 50sec/50-VH sec ScPts 32/44 points; 2nd Place Great Run; Timmer Error, took SCT 7th Leg 3 out of 3 Qs for a Great Day! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
July 12,
2015 Ellen Hizer |
STANDARD, Level 5; NQ; 150 yards, Sct 60sec/65sec; Hard Course, difficult weaves, off course; Disappointing Full House - Level 5 Qualify! 1st Place Sct: 40 sec/32-VH Sec, ScPts 25/44 pts, Excellent Run and Directionals! Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; 1st Place SCT: 45sec/32-VH sec; 110 yards; Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Great Run, 1st Place Sct: 37sec/26sec-VH; 118 yards Almost got our C-ATCH 2 3 out of 4 Qs for a Good Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
July 26
2015 Michael Conroy C-ATCH-2 |
STANDARD, 4" Veteran (VH); Level 5 QUALIFY! 161 yards; 1st Place Sct 74sec/51sec-VH; 10th Leg, Great Run!! Jackpot, Non-Traditional, Level 5 Qualify; 3rd Place, Great Run! SCT:57sec/46sec-VH; ScPts 44pts/55pts WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 93 yards SCT: 44sec/34sec-VH; Great Run, 1st Place Jumpers, Level 5; QUALIFY! Great Run, 2nd Place Sct: 44sec/33sec-VH; 137 yards A Great weekend! 4 out of 4 Qs and we earned our C-ATCH-2 Title!!! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
September 12,
2015 Lee Ann Zerbian |
STANDARD, Level 5; NQ again; 182 yards, Sct 76sec/67sec; Good run but one off course Full House - Level 5 Qualify! 2nd Place Sct: 40 sec/39-VH Sec, ScPts 25/28 pts, Refused aframe but got points This earned the ChFH Champion Title SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify! Sct: 50sec/47-VH sec ScPts 32/41 points; 2nd Place Good Run, hard Reds; Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Great Run, 1st Place Sct: 55sec/30sec-VH; 124 yards First run of the day, EXCELLENT Run! Earned the ChFH title today! 3 out of 4 Qs for a Good Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
September 19
2015 Cheryl Cieslinski |
STANDARD, 4" Veteran (VH); Level 5 QUALIFY! 144 yards; 1st Place Sct 58sec/51sec-VH; 2 sets Weaves, Good Run Jackpot, Traditional, Level 5 NQ due to taking a gamble jump after the buzzer, my fault SCT:50sec/47sec-VH; ScPts 44pts/27pts WildCard, Level 5; NQ; AWFUL! Off Courses SCT: 38sec/40sec-VH; 90 yards Embarrassing Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; 1st Place SCT: 31sec/18-VH sec; 71 yards; A good Run Jumpers, Level 5; NQ AGAIN! Off courses, no focus Sct: 43sec/40sec-VH; 124 yards Not a good weekend! Only 2 out of 5 Qs for a disappointing weekend! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
October 17,
2015 Carol Steffus-Hyland |
STANDARD, Level 5; Qualify, 1st Place, 176 yards, Sct 71sec/72sec; Run Seemed Slow, 5 faults on Fixing Weaves WildCard, Level 5; NQ, 90 yards, ROUND 1 SCT: 414sec/35sec-VH; Good Run, but backjumped last tire, My fault, WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 90 yards, ROUND 2 SCT: 41sec/29sec-VH; Great Run, 2nd Place SNOOKER, Level 5 NQ; Due to Not enough Points from running out of time, was sniffing the floor, needed 32 points, got 29 pts 3 out of 5 Qs for a Fair Day! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Now running at Veteran 4" |
November 7, 2015
Carolyn Dostal and Carol Steffus-Hyland |
STANDARD, Level 5; Veterans 4"
Judge - Carolyn Dostal Qualify, 1st Place Sct: 86sec/88sec; 177 Yards Lots of Sniffing, but no off courses so he was slow, 2 time faults but a Q WildCard, Level 5; Judge - Carol Steffus-Hyland Qualify; ?? yards SCT: 40sec/36sec-VH; Great Run, ?? Place Left before Ribbons but good run Jackpot, Traditional, Level 5 Judge - Carolyn Dostal QUALIFY; 1st PLace Good Teeter in Gamble! SCT:55sec/46sec-VH; ScPts 44pts/49pts SNOOKER, Level 5 Judge - Carol Steffus-Hyland Qualify; Sct: 55sec/40sec ScPts 32/40 points; 1st Place Good Run no issues! Jumpers, Level 5; Judge - Carol Steffus-Hyland Qualify! Great Run, 2nd Place Sct: 41sec/37sec-VH; 125 yards Lots of Traps, but good run! 5 out of 5 Qs for a great Day! |
Your Canine
CPE Agility For Your K9 Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
November 28,
2015 Lisa Potts |
STANDARD, Level 5; Qualify, 2nd Place, 158 yards, Sct 58sec/52sec; Easy Course, No Traps Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Good Run, 3rd Place Sct: 40sec/37sec-VH; 132 yards Good Run, seemed Slow, No traps Jackpot, Traditional, Level 5 NQ, Good Run, but the Weaves were in Gamble, but had good entrance, then popped poles SCT:64sec/60sec-VH; SNOOKER, Level 5 NQ; Due to Not enough Points took 2 Reds, due to sniffing hard course, lots of traps 2 out of 4 Qs for a Fair Day! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Now running at Veteran 4" |
December 27, 2015
Cheryl Cielinski One Ring |
STANDARD, Level 5; Veterans 4"; Round 1 QUALIFY; 5 faults for re-starting weaves; Sct: 65sec/58sec; 150 Yards; 1st Place STANDARD, Level 5; Veterans 4"; Round 2 QUALIFY; better weaves; Sct: 68sec/64sec; 157 Yards; 1st Place Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; 2nd Place SCT: 33sec/22-VH sec; 76 yards; A good Run, no issues 3 out of 3 Qs for a Great Day! Also won the Champion Colors Title! |
2016 TRIALS |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 12
2016 Jeff Boyer |
STANDARD, 4" Veteran (VH); Level 5 QUALIFY! 169 yards; 1st Place Sct 78sec/45sec-VH; Good Weaves, Good Run Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Good Run, 1st Place Sct: 47sec/38sec-VH; 120 yards Good Run, no issues! Full House - Level 5 NQ, Due to skipping Aframe, Not enough points, sad.... Sct: 40 sec/38-VH Sec, ScPts 25/24pts, WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 89 yards SCT: 41sec/31sec-VH; Great Run, 2nd Place SNOOKER, Level 5 NQ; Due to Not enough Points wrong end of tunnel as last obstacle hard course, lots of traps 3 out of 5 Qs for a Good Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
TDAA WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
April 9 and April 10 2016 Donni Breaden |
Standard Superior, 4"-Veteran; Round 1 Sct: 75sec/48sec; 120 yards, 2nd Place Qualify, no table, 7th leg to Tach Standard Superior, Round 2 Sct: 74sec/58sec; 109 yards NQ, wrong side of tunnel no table Box Game - Games 3 Sct: 31sec/-2.16sec; 1st Place QUALIFY; Great Distance Wild Card - Games 3 Qualify, Good Run, 96 yards Sct 57sec/39sec; 3rd place Beat the Clock - Games 3 Qualify; Sct 71sec/68sec; ScPts: 12/12 Not great, I got lost, but a Q ===================== Sunday - April 10, 2016 Standard SUPERIOR - Round 1 Sct: 77sec/65sec; 125 yards Qualify! Good Weaves, 3rd Place (took the Tach) Standard SUPERIOR - Round 2 QUALIFY, no table, no Placement Sct: 77sec/55sec, 124 yards Colors Games 3 QUALIFY, 4th Place Sct: 36sec/24Sec; 57 yards Touch & Go - Games 3 QUALIFY, Good Run! 4th Place Sct: 47sec/34 Sec; 77 yards TMAG-2 TITLE!!! Tunnelers - Games 3 Qualify - 4th Place Sct 63sec/48 sec; 108 yards 9 out of 10 Qs for a GREAT Weekend! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Veteran 4" Height |
April 23, 2016
Lee Ann Zerbian One Ring |
STANDARD, Level 5; Veterans 4"; QUALIFY; Sct 59sec/56sec Sct: 148 Yards; 1st Place Good Run, good Weaves Jackpot, Non-Traditional, Level 5 NQ, Good Run but OT Sct 57sec/68sec; A hard Non-traditional Gamble Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; 2nd Place SCT: 37sec/34-VH sec; 88 yards; A good Run, no issues SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify; Good Run Sct 50sec/50sec; 34 Pts Hard Course!; Also won the Champion Snooker Title! 3 out of 4 Qs for a Great Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
May 14
2016 Carol Steffus-Hyland |
STANDARD, 4" Veteran (VH); Level 5 NQ 154 yards; Sct 72sec/50sec-VH; Did great 12 weaves and avoided traps 1 off course! Disappointing! Jackpot, Non-Traditional, Level 5 QALIFY!, Good Run, fast! Sct 60sec/38sec; Scpt 44/47 1st Place! WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 94 yards SCT: 43sec/33sec-VH; Great Run, 3rd Place ChWC TITLE!! SNOOKER, Level 5 NQ, off course in opening NT and No Points Hard Course!; Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Good Run, 2nd Place Sct: 47sec/38sec-VH; 146 yards Good Run, no issues! ChJU TITLE!!! Need 2 more standards for C-ATCH-3 TITLE! 3 out of 5 Qs for a Great Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE WAGS Facility Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
June 11
2016 Karl Johnson |
STANDARD, 4" Veteran (VH); Level 5 QUALIFY!!! 150 yards; Sct 65sec/45sec-VH; 1st Place Did great 12 weaves and avoided traps One more to go for Catch-3 Jackpot, Non-Traditional, Level 5 QUALIFY!, Good Run, fast! Sct 55sec/44sec; Scpt 44/99 1st Place! WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 82 yards SCT: 35sec/20sec-VH; Great Run, 1st Place No Issues! Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; 1st Place SCT: 33sec/25-VH sec; 77 yards; A good Run, No Issues Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Great Run, 1st Place Sct: 42sec/37sec-VH; 138 yards Good Run, no issues! Need 1 more standard for C-ATCH-3 TITLE! 5 out of 5 Qs for a Great Day! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Veteran 4" Height |
July 2, 2016
Jerry McKenzie One Ring |
STANDARD, Level 5; Veterans 4"; NQ - SO SAD! Sct 74sec/74sec Sct: 169 Yards; Embarrassing Run, awful two sets of 6 weaves, Missed the C-ATCH-3 Jackpot, Traditional, Level 5 Qualify, Good Run Sct 57sec/55sec; 1st Place A hard traditional Gamble WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 87 yards SCT: 39sec/35sec-VH; Great Run, 3rd Place Need 1 more standard for C-ATCH-3 TITLE! 2 out of 3 Qs for a Fair Day! |
Your K9
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
July 16,
2016 Mark Anthony (Ohio) |
Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Good Run, 1st Place Sct: 43sec/35sec-VH; 132 yards Good Run, No Issues Full House - Level 5 Qualify! 2nd Place Sct: 40 sec/28-VH Sec, ScPts 25/32 pts, Good Run and Directionals! STANDARD, Level 5; NQ AGAIN- SO SAD! Sct 73sec/68sec 157 Yards; Embarrassing Run again! Awful two sets of 6 weaves, Still need 1 more Standard for Catch-3 (changing Agility teacher this week) Missed the C-ATCH-3 AGAIN for the 2nd time 2 out of 3 Qs for a Disappointing Day! |
Your K9
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
September 17,
2016 Lee Ann Zerbian C-ATCH-3 |
Full House - Level 5 Qualify! 1st Place Sct: 40 sec/35-VH Sec, ScPts 25/28 pts, Good Run and Directionals! SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify; Good Run Sct 50sec/43sec; 32/36 Pts 1st Place, Good Run, no issues STANDARD, Level 5; QUALIFY!!! 140 yards; Sct 56sec/51sec-VH; 1st Place Did great 12 weaves and avoided traps FINALLY - C-ATCH-3!!!!! 3 out of 3 Qs for a GREAT Day! |
Your K9
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
October 23,
2016 Carol Steffus-Hyland |
Full House - Level 5 Qualify! 2nd Place Sct: 40 sec/36-VH Sec, ScPts 25/27 pts, Sniffed, did his own course but a nice run! Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Good Run, 2nd Place Sct: 53sec/40sec-VH; 160 yards Good Run, Had traps but No Issues STANDARD, Level 5; NQ; 140 yards; Sct 56sec/NT Did great 12 weaves but 1 off course 2 out of 3 Qs for a Fair Day! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Veteran 4" Height |
November 13, 2016
Arlene Soderlund One Ring |
Full House - Level 5 Qualify! 2nd Place Sct: 40 sec/35-VH Sec, ScPts 25/39 pts, Did his own course but a nice run! Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! Good Run, 2nd Place Sct: 41sec/40sec-VH; 127 yards Good Run, Had traps but No Issues STANDARD, Level 5; NQ; 140 yards; Did great 12 weaves but 1 off course got an NT anyway for leaving the ring 2 out of 3 Qs for a Fair Day! |
Your K9
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
December 4,
2016 Lisa Hyland-Potts |
WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 108 yards SCT: 45sec/29sec-VH; Great Run, 2nd Place No Issues! Colors, Level 5 NQ, 82 yards SCT: 35sec/28-VH sec; Good Run but 1 off course STANDARD, Level 5; QUALIFY! 153 yards; Sct: 65sec/40sec-VH Did great 12 weaves, No issues! 2 out of 3 Qs for a Good Day! This was the LAST TRIAL of 2016! See you next year!! |
2017 TRIALS |
Your K9
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 26,
2017 Brenda Gilday |
WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 88 yards SCT: 46sec/39sec-VH; Great Run (left before placements) No Issues! SNOOKER, Level 5 Qualify; Good Run Sct 50sec/46sec; 32/38 Pts 2nd Place, Good Run, hard course Jackpot, Non-Traditional, Level 5 Qualify, Good Run, Scpts 44/70 Sct 60sec/42sec; 2nd Place STANDARD, Level 5; QUALIFY! 151 yards; Sct: 71sec/47sec-VH Got a fault on weaves, popped but but fixed. 4 out of 4 Qs for a Great Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
TDAA WAGS Facility, BEAUTIFUL NEW FACILITY Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
April 8 and April 9 2017 Randy Breaden |
Standard Superior, 4"-Veteran; Round 1 Sct: 77sec/53sec; 125 yards, 1st Place QUALIFY! Good Table and Weaves! Got the Legal TACH and also earned the TAM TITLES! Standard Superior, Round 2 Sct: 68sec/46sec; 107 yards NQ, 1 back jump, good table and weaves Box Game - Games 3 Sct: 51sec/-29sec; 1st Place Qualify; Great Distance Wild Card - Games 3 Qualify, Good Run, 96 yards Sct 55sec/44sec; 1st place Quiddich - Games 3 Qualify; Sct 60sec/58sec; 3rd Place, Good game! ===================== Sunday - April 9, 2017 Standard SUPERIOR - Round 3 Sct: 72sec/43sec; 114 yards Qualify! Good Weaves, 3rd Place Working towards TACH-2 Standard SUPERIOR - Round 4 QUALIFY, 3rd Place Sct: 68sec/52sec, 107 yards Mini-Golf - Games 3 QUALIFY, 3rd Place Sct: 34sec/20Sec; 52 yards Black Hole - Games 3 NQ - Went into a Tunnel, Sct: 48sec/NT; 88 yards Las Vegas, Round 1 Qualify - 4th Place Sct 71sec/68 sec; ScPts 150/190; Las Vegas, Round 2 Qualify - 3rd Place Sct 71sec/69 sec; ScPts 150/170; 8 out of 11 Qs for a GREAT Weekend! |
Dog Agility Group
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL Indoors on Artifical Turf Veteran 4" Height |
April 22, 2017
Cheryl Cielinski One Ring |
SNOOKER, Level 5 NQ due to TIME!! Sct 45sec/??46sec; 32/?? Pts Very Hard course, Judge cut the Time so un-fairly ran out of time Jackpot, Non-Traditional, Level 5 NQ due to being scared by Photographer in his face, ALSO UNFAIR Scpts 44/32; Sct 55sec/58sec Jumpers, Level 5; Qualify! 2nd Place Sct: 44sec/50sec-VH; 129 yards Still very spooked, slow STANDARD, Level 5; QUALIFY! 156 yards; 2nd Pl Sct: 67sec/61sec-VH A GIFT, too many tries on Weaves and judge didn't fault! Still spooked from photographer 2 out of 4 Qs for a Disappointing Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE AGILITY WAGS Facility, BEAUTIFUL NEW FACILITY Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
May 13
2017 Carol Steffus-Hyland |
STANDARD, 4" Veteran (VH); Level 5 QUALIFY!!! 179 yards; Sct 82sec/63sec-VH; 2nd Place Did great 12 weaves and avoided traps Good Run! Jackpot, Traditional, Level 5 NQ, Good Run but only ONE dog qualified in the entire class! Weaves set on an angle in the gamble, UN-FAIR! Sct 60sec/62sec; Scpt 44/25 Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; 3rd Place SCT: 44sec/28-VH sec; 96 yards; A good Run, No Issues SNOOKER, Level 5 QUALIFY; Good Run Sct 55sec/33sec; 32/37 Pts 4th Place, Good Run, 3 out of 4 Runs for a Great Day! |
WI-IL Agility Group
CPE AGILITY WAGS Facility, BEAUTIFUL NEW FACILITY Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
June 11
2017 Jackie Oricko (OH) |
STANDARD, 4" Veteran (VH); Level 5 NQ, Easy Course, but 1 back jump; Sct 67sec/53sec-VH; 155 Yards Did great 12 weaves; avoided traps Good Run but Disappointing! Jackpot, Traditional, Level 5 Qualify, Good Run; Non-Traditional 4th Place, Sct 55sec/40sec; Scpt 44/44 Colors, Level 5 QUALIFY; Didn't stay SCT: 40sec/22-VH sec; A good Run, No Issues WildCard, Level 5; Qualify; 82 yards SCT: 35sec/26sec-VH; Great Run; No Issues! 3 out of 4 Runs for a Great Day! |
Race Agility
CPE Agility Round Lake Sports Center Round Lake, IL |
August 20, 2017
Mike Conroy (N.J.) |
NQ!! Popped Weaves; Sct 70sec/56sec-VH; 164 yards A-Frame issues, EMBARRASSING! Jackpot - Level 5 NQ - Not enough Points Sct: 55sec/48-VH Sec, ScPts 44/34 pts, Embarrassing! ZERO out of 2 Qs for an EMBARRASSING Day! |
2018 TRIALS |
Your K9
CPE Agility For Your Canine Training Facility Melrose Park, IL Indoors on Mats |
March 26,
2018 Brenda Gilday |
Jackpot & SNOOKER, Level 5 NQ, Both Awful runs, NT Sam just couldn't see the obstacles properly STANDARD, Level 5; Also NQ and NT Poor dog just could not judge depth No Qs and very sad |
WI-IL Agility Group
TDAA WAGS Facility, Spring Grove, IL Indoors on Mats |
April 14 2018 Randy Breaden |
Standard Superior, Round 1 Now running at 2" height due to vision Sct: 77sec/62sec; 116 yards NQ, 1 off course due to sight, but good table, weaves and obstacles Standard Superior, Round 2 Sct: 72sec/47sec; 115 yards NQ, due to weave error, but it was an EXCELLENT run, even due to poor sight Jumpers CDS - Games 3 QUALIFY, 2nd Place Sct: 39sec/21Sec Think Inside the Box - Games 3 QUALIFY, 3rd Place Sct: 65sec/65sec Tunneler - Games 3 QUALIFY, 3rd Place Sct: 52sec/37sec, 87 yards TMAG-3 TITLE!!! A good day, most likely the last title due to severe depth preception |
Sam's 45 Titles!
CL1-F, CL1-R, CL1-H, CL1-S, CL2-F, CL2-R, CL2-H, CL2-S, CL3-H, CL3-R, CL3-F, CL3-S,
CL4-F, CL4-H, CL4-S, CL4-R, UAG1, UAG2, NAC, O-NAC, WV-N, O-WV-N, NCC,
Sammy's Previous Agility Trials from 2008 to 2010
2008-2010 Agility Trials
For more information about Teacup Agility,
please visit
the TDAA Website!
For more information about Rally Obedience,
please visit these Rally-O sites:
K9 Rally-O Website!
APDT Rally
AKC Rally
Please Sign Our GUEST BOOK
Email us and our Mom, AnnaMarie at
See Sammy's First Training at
Sammy's Early Training and Progress
Sammy has a Dachshund 'brother' that has done very well!
To See Joey's Other Trial Pages
Joey's Nose Scent Trials
Joey's First Teacup Trial
Joey's Agility/Rally Photos Collage
To See Joey's Previous Agility, Rally and Nose Scent Trials
2004-2005 Agility and Rally
2006-20013 Agility, Rally and Nose Scent
What is a Title Really? By Sandy Mowery |
Not just a brag, not just a stepping stone to a higher title, not just an adjunct to competitive scores; a title is a tribute to the dog that bears it, a way to honor the dog, an ultimate memorial. It will remain in the record and in the memory, for about as long as anything in the world can remain. And though the dog herself doesn't know or care that his achievements have been noted, a title says many things in the world of humans, where such things count. A title says your dog was intelligent, adaptable, and good-natured. It says that your dog loved you enough to do the things that please you, however crazy they may have sometimes seemed. In addition, a title says that you love your dog. That you loved to spend time with her because he was a good dog and that you believed in him enough to give her yet another chance when he (or you!) failed and in the end your faith was justified. A title proves that your dog inspired you to that special relationship enjoyed by so few. That in a world of disposable creatures, this dog with a title was greatly loved, and loved greatly in return. And when that dear short life is over, the title remains as a memorial of the finest kind, the best you can give to a deserving friend. Volumes of praise in one small set of initials after a name. An obedience title is nothing less than the true love and respect, given and received and recorded permanently. |
Table of Contents